Wednesday 15 August 2007


Well off I go again to do my thang as a virgin, I'm a Virgin Vie consultant in my spare time. It's fun and I get to do girlie stuff, sample loads of fab products and earn some extra money, all good!!

So tomorrow tonight I'm out but this time also taking on Homeware, it's beautiful stuff so I can be genuinely enthusiastic about it.

The weird thing is I used to get so nervous about speaking in public, when I was a kid I hated reading aloud in class and at Uni I was almost physically sick when I had to give my dissertation presentation, now I'm chilled so the whole experience has been very positive.
Needless to say I use VirginVie mascara, see above lol!!!

Wednesday 8 August 2007


If your a guy or a girl a facial is heaven. Come on guys try it!

So it starts with a thorough deep cleanse preparing the skin for all the goodies to come, that in itself is lovely. Then the most amazing facial this is my favourite bit, she starts using an oil to massage across my shoulders, neck and chest then moves up to my face using wonderful movements that seem to all flow into one..... temples, forehead and cheeks. I usually start snoring at this point!!!

Then comes the mask to hydrate and cleanse, depending on your skin type as its tailored to your needs. A final cleanse and moisturise and its all over.......too soon!

I feel great afterwards and its all happening tonight woo hoo *grin*!

Sunday 5 August 2007

Heading for the beach...

Bournemouth is gorgeous!

Miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, it's vibrant, loads of shops and restaurants, buzzing nightlife, beautiful gardens and water sports galore.....I sound like I have shares in the place ha ha!!
Heading for the beach as it's such a beautiful day.....chill time......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Have a great Sunday :o)

Saturday 4 August 2007

Good night sweet dreams xx

Was a good night........*yawn*....*hic*.....nite nite xxx

Friends :o)

My gorgeous friend Hic is an angel, she's always there for me and I love her like a sister, we've each been on a roller coaster at times and I've needed her..... I always know she'll never judge me, she listens and supports me and provides the honesty we both value so much.

Ooooh am feeling soppy tonight.....*blush*

We should say what we think sometimes, not hold back so here's me saying it as it is .....YOU ARE A DOLL AND I LOVE YOU!!!!! xxxxxx