Saturday 29 September 2007

My brain is old!!!

Well I got myself a Nintendo DS Lite together with Brain Trainer.....hmmmm. So I begin by testing my brain in terms of agility completing a series of tests. It tells me my brain is 58!!!! That's just wrong!!!

So I need to do daily exercises to try to gain my youth ha ha!!! I have to say that the unit relies on you writing in a certain way and it recognising your voice but it's pretty efficient, the odd occasion when it doesn't contributes to my flagging brains results so perhaps I'm not really quite so decrepit??!!!! I'll keep you posted how I get on!

Saturday 22 September 2007


Oooooo, singsnap is such fun!!
You get to record your favourite with video effects, have a sing, meet some cool people.
Using a simple cam is a bit restrictive with sound quality and vision but nevertheless enjoyable!
Why not give it a go, see ya there!

Monday 17 September 2007


Here's a link to my cool friend Scott (click on link above).
Check out his blog it's packed with interesting stuff. He's a techno whizz .........things like his pictures have fab lighting effects, God knows how he managed that!!!! He provides links and reviews to some cool new gadgets on the market.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Rooster Rock!!!

I love this band but sadly they are no best friend introduced me to them...thank you Hic!!!!
Rooster were an English rock band. They formed in 2002 by Nick Atkinson on vocals, Luke Potashnick guitar, Dave Neale drums and Ben Smyth bass. Atkinson and Potashnick were former school friends who reunited while living in London, after both admitted they were struggling to make an impact with their respective bands. They formed Rooster with Neale and Smyth and, after only a few live shows, were signed to Brightside.

The band's self-styled "griff rock" combined hard rock with pop. The debut single, "Come Get Some", reached the UK top 10 in November 2004. The band received much acclaim for their live shows, which were energetic and exciting with fantastic musicianship. Live shows saw the band improvising and extending songs; Neale often performed a four minute long drum solo during "Drag The Sunrise Down". With musical differences and difficulties with the record company the band announced their split via their Myspace on 23rd January 2007.


A farmer went out one day and bought a brand new stud rooster for his chicken coop.
The new rooster struts over to the old rooster and says, "OK old fart, time for you to retire."The old rooster replies, "Come on, surely you cannot handle ALL of these chickens. Look what it has done to me. Can't you just let me have the two old hens over in the corner?" The young rooster says, "Beat it: You are washed up and I am taking over." The old rooster says, "I tell you what, young stud. I will race you around the farmhouse. Whoever wins gets the exclusive domain over the entire chicken coop." The young rooster laughs."You know you don't stand a chance, old man. So, just to be fair, I will give you a head start."
The old rooster takes off running. About 15 seconds later the young rooster takes off running after him. They round the front porch of the farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap.He is only about 5 feet behind the old rooster and gaining fast.
The farmer, meanwhile, is sitting in his usual spot on the front porch when he sees the roosters running by. The Old Rooster is squawking and running as hard as he can. The Farmer grabs his shotgun and - BOOM - he blows the young rooster to bits.
The farmer sadly shakes his head and says, "Dammit.....third gay rooster I bought this month." Moral of this story? .... Don't mess with the OLD FARTS - age, skill, wisdom, and a little treachery will always overcome youth and arrogance!

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Am I sweating enough?

So I'm up the gym again tonight, I have a routine and start things off on the cross trainer. A nice low impact machine working the heart and muscles. I do 30 mins and tend to cover around 4.5k....not a great distance I know but I work against a resistance and burn a fair few calories! Then I move onto the weights....nothing too heavy as I'm not into body building! Lastly its abs and stretch out\cool down. I'm there 45-60 mins.
Now I know the 'zone' is different for everyone depending on fitness levels, age etc but when do I know I'm working to a pick level??? I don't sweat much at all, I go a lovely shade of red in the face and feel shattered while on the cross trainer. I look round and see men in particular sweating their butts off!!!
I saw this woman there last night with the most perfect body, not an once of fat, toned.....she was using the weights like the guys do, but lighter.....perhaps that will be my next goal to get in there with the men and sweat!'s a pic of me sweating or glowing?!

Friday 7 September 2007

Late night shopper!

That's me!!! I hate crowds in shops and bloody trolleys blocking your way , you know what I mean?! So I'm a late night shopper, it's great as it's so quiet and quick, just how I like it. I want all shops to open late, until midnight please!!!! ha ha

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Working up a sweat!

I'm really into the gym, never used to be!!! So I go again tonight and the place is full of children...arrrggghhhhhh!!! I love kids but there I was fighting to get on the cross trainer my absolute favourite machine, this little chap about 8 years old jumps on the first free one so I end up having to go on the running machine.....not my thing as I'm not built for running (36E) eeeekkkkkkks!

The castle

Oooooh it was such a lovely day today, work was the usual *yawn* but as the sun was shining things weren't so bad. I'm leaving my job in November, starting afresh somewhere new. I need a change although I'll miss the people so much, they are just lovely!!

So I went to Portchester Castle the best preserved of the Roman ‘Saxon Shore’ forts. It is the only Roman stronghold in northern Europe whose walls still mainly stand to their full height. It then housed a Saxon settlement, the huge waterside fortress became a Norman castle in the 12th century, when a formidable tower-keep was built in one corner (a shop too now!). Portchester was in the front line throughout the Hundred Years War, serving as a staging post for expeditions to France and repelling cross-Channel raids. Richard II transformed part of the castle into a palace in 1396 and Henry V used it as a departure point for the Agincourt campaign in 1415. Thereafter it saw little action, but was used to house troops in the Civil War, and prisoners of war during the Dutch and Napoleonic Wars...... here ends my history lesson lol!!!

It's a great place for a picnic too as sampled by my mum and dad yesterday!!!

Over and out for now xx